Though we’re still waiting for the official release of 2PM’s Corby cell phone CF, Samsung has yet again launched something else to keep us entertained while anticipating for the official release of the actual commercial film.
Samsung recently launched a fun and interactive website promoting their new Corby phones with the help of 2PM. On the site, you can click on any one of the colorful Corby phones which will then lead you to a room of the same color. Once there, (if you don’t understand Korean) you drag the boy(s) who belong to that room based on the color.
Of the many features of this site, you can watch Chansung and Junsu have a dance-off and Taecyeon doing a ‘no-handed’ pushup. The other remaining members (Wooyoung, Nichkhun, and Junho) also show their charms but I’ll let you guys watch what happens for yourselves. In addition to those features, you can also become 2PM’s
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